For those of us with strong anxious tendencies, experiencing some sense of consistency with our loved ones right now can feel very important.
Many of the routines and external structures that have helped contain so much of our anxiety have been uprooted.
That can leave us with a deeper need to find internal calm and cultivate our ability to self-regulate.
Feeling like (our needs matter) to the people we depend on can also help us cultivate a deeper sense of safety and trust, even if they can’t meet all our needs!
Right now, many of us are experiencing a limited capacity of what we can emotionally offer.
Many of us simply won’t be able to offer the same kind of reassurance that our loved ones are so accustomed to.
With that said, doing the best we can is still a lot.
Small investments in the emotional bank account of our loved ones can make a (huge) difference a year from now.
@backtolovedoc spoke a lot about taking this time to practice self-regulation tools if you struggle with strong anxious tendencies during Instagram Live Session yesterday.
She also shared how using mindfulness, doing some kind of daily movement practice, and challenging and reframing painful self-talk can be great places to start to help counter anxious thoughts.
Here are some other ways we can try to expand our internal self-regulation capacity:
Visualize a grounded and safe-feeling person (whether they are in your life or a person you admire from afar) to help calm anxious thoughts and sensations.
Expand your circle of people to rely on virtually right now.
Create one or two (simple) daily rituals to anchor and stabilize your day (journaling, stretching, calling a friend).
Find an online therapist to have weekly sessions with to create a sense of consistency as well as to learn more about how to self-soothe and self-regulate.
If you tend to have strong anxious tendencies, what has helped you the most right now?
What self-regulation tools have you been using, especially as certain loved ones have been less available?
Some ways to communicate your needs
( If you have strong Anxious Tendencies)


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